4 Ways Process Improvement Creates Better Experiences at Work

When we think about the benefits of process improvement, it’s always about increased productivity, reduced waste/cost and better quality. However, what really makes this work great is its ability to create a better work experience for everyone in the organization.

Process improvement creates a culture of doing things the right way at the right time every time. It makes it easier for the people behind the process to succeed and fosters an environment that doesn’t punish errors or mistakes but instead works to prevent chaos and shitshows from happening again.

Here are four ways process improvement creates better experience at work:

1. Boosts job satisfaction and employee morale.

Doing the same routine every day is definitely not one of the top things that keeps employees at a company. It’s not surprising that positions involving routine tasks are not growing. But with process improvement, every employee is asked to constantly look for new ways to help their company grow.

Instead of being stuck doing routine and mind-numbing tasks, they are involved in developing changes to make work better. Knowing that they are having a direct impact in the workplace boosts morale. When employees feel valued and feel that their individual efforts contribute to the growth and success of their company, they feel more satisfied with their job. Employees involved in process improvement are met with a sense of pride in being part of something valuable within the company.

2. Promotes teamwork.

In continuous process improvement, instead of making changes disjointedly by department, you are changing as one–what is called one-team alignment. This creates opportunities for employees to work in a collaborative and unified manner because everyone is working towards a common goal.

You’re able to avoid organizational silos because process improvement creates opportunities for employees to collaborate with and meet people from other departments as well as understand what is important from different department vantage points. This way, employees are able to see the bigger picture and how each department contributes to the success of the organization.

With increased teamwork, conflicts due to having multiple points of view and organizational silos decrease. Moreover, according to experts, meaningful dynamic communication and collaboration at work lower stress levels and burnout rates.

3. Creates a positive work environment.

A process-based culture also fosters a positive work environment and gives employees fewer reasons to find work elsewhere. It provides a safe place for people to take risks and speak up.

Process improvement creates accountability. Employees understand what is expected of them when they are provided with super clear roles and responsibilities. They know what they are accountable for, and they are not afraid to take responsibility because they work in an environment where it’s okay to make mistakes and move forward.

4. Reduces stress and fosters better performance.

Process improvement provides the way for you to give your employees clear, standardized, easy-to-understand and efficient processes that will reduce frustration and stress in their jobs. You are providing them with tools and resources that set them up for success.

Improved processes lead to better operations. Your people can breathe more when processes are streamlined. It makes them confident in your processes so they perform and communicate better at work.

As a leader, you don’t have to micromanage your employees because you know your processes are efficient enough to guide your people in the right direction. You can go on holiday without worrying if they can handle things in your absence, and you know your team can always refer to the process documentation you have. Process improvement quite literally means that everyone will have a better time at work.

In love and respect,
Hilary Corna

Hilary Corna

Bestselling Author, Keynote Speaker, Podcast Host, Founder of the Human Way ™...

Hilary’s favorite title is HUMAN.


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