4 Ways to Make a Name for Yourself Outside of Your Company (without leaving it)

You are not just an employee. You are not just a manager. You are many things. 

We now live in a world where employees are encouraged to be their authentic selves. As you seek to establish your identity in the workplace, you can do more than just create impact within the walls of your organization. You have the power to make a name for yourself outside your company simply by being yourself.

Establishing your platform is not just for your own gain; it’s about sharing your knowledge, expertise and experience to inspire and educate others, which also helps your company. It’s a Win-Win. As you establish authority in your industry, you’re making your audience more aware of the company you work for. One way you can do this by becoming a thought leader

You don’t have to be a “higher up” to become a thought leader and make a name for yourself either. In fact, over a million LinkedIn users have described themselves as thought leaders. In today’s workplace, the most relevant employees are sharing their voices and starting conversations.

Helpful Tips to Make a Name for Yourself Outside Your Company

1. Actively seek speaking engagements

To establish your brand, look for opportunities where you can share your message with large groups. You can even get paid to be a speaker at industry and community events. (I started speaking for free and then learned I could make a profit from it. Then I ended up touring across the US, sponsored by Toyota and eventually speaking in over 42 states and 4 continents!) 

2. Have a clear definition of what your brand is

For people to remember your name, they must have a clear understanding of who you are and what you stand for. As you start your journey to crafting your personal brand, answer the following questions:

  • What does your brand stand for? 
  • What is your purpose as a thought leader? 
  • What is your message?
  • What sets your brand apart?
  • Who is your target audience/customers?
  • What does your brand offer? 
  • What problems does it seek to solve? Make sure to provide a proven step-by-step method to solve these problems. 

The answers to the questions above should be consistent with the content you create and post online. You need to create original and consistent content that speaks to who you are and what your brand is to be able to dictate what results pop up on Google when people search for you.

3. Share your story behind the brand

Sharing your expertise and experience won’t be enough to influence others or create a connection with your target audience. This is why you need to share the story behind your brand: so people can relate to you. Your bio shouldn’t look like a resume because it’s cold and unrelatable. Try telling a personal story that can resonate with people emotionally, as if you were meeting someone new and trying to be their friend. As American Poet Maya Angelou said: “People will forget what you said and did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

4. Start a blog and share your voice on different social media platforms

Having a blog and being active on social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Youtube makes it easier for you to engage your audience on a regular basis. Make sure to create content consistently, and update your people about what you’re up to and what upcoming events you have planned. As a voice representing your company, your blog and social media channels should be a place where you can start conversations with your community to exchange knowledge and ideas.

As a thought leader, you should always share your ideas and experiences. People will see you as a credible source of information in the industry’s latest trends, especially if you’re knowledgeable and personable.

Where to begin

People care not only about what you know, but also about what you do with the knowledge you’ve gained thus far. To really make a name for yourself, you should earn the trust of your audience. And to gain their respect, they should know that you truly care to find ways to serve your community and fulfill your mission.

I’ve been up to something under the radar, as you may have noticed, developing a program to help women in business become thought leaders without quitting their day job. We’ve only got a few seats left in this 6-week accelerator starting in January. If you want to learn more or have a female leader in your organization that should apply, reply here and we’ll get the conversation started.

In love and respect,

Hilary Corna 

Hilary Corna

Bestselling Author, Keynote Speaker, Podcast Host, Founder of the Human Way ™...

Hilary’s favorite title is HUMAN.


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