The Human Processes Continuum (HPC) creates human-centric processes to amplify a business from the inside out. This is accomplished by first, discovering what employees feel their value is as a contributor to the business; second, analyzing what customers look for when they want to purchase products and, in turn, invest in a company; and third, how society views that business based on what it shows to the world.
HPC reflects a blending of empathy and contemporary business practices that produces profound, sustained results. Taking its own advice, the model is designed to be human, and no two companies will find the exact same solution. Each solution is as unique as the business that discovers it.
While HPC utilizes the same tools for all businesses when conducting initial consulting, those tools simply serve to facilitate the four-step process by which each business discovers its solution(s) to become more of the business it was meant to be. Four dynamic attributes of HPC are discussed here to provide insight on how this human-centric model functions effectively.
1. Ignore the most recent buzzword
Buzzwords in business are usually just external distractions that rarely address the actual internal needs of the organization and often frustrate employees. The leap to humanization occurs by leading from the inside out. Instead of looking everywhere else to find a solution, companies need to start looking within.
We foster introspection by prompting leaders to think about the anatomy of their companies and the state of their current situation to better prioritize problems. This transition to humanize business stems from the realization that what we need we already have within us, which is one way this model empowers businesses to recognize its strengths.
During a preliminary Human Processes Assessment session, I outline a methodology of simple tools that show companies how to transform and break through any pre-existing barriers in this next great evolutionary leap in business to human-centric processes. This leap from the information age to the human age requires leaders to upgrade their thinking and their minds, and the goal of HPC is to guide business leaders to find their own solutions.
2. Be proactive by starting with a long-term mindset
Humanizing your business is being proactive. As the business world leaps from the information age to the human age, the way a company will stand out is by displaying that it cares about its employees and customers. Pointed short-term goals and victories will culminate into long-term benefits that will create an effective and healthy culture. This all starts from the inside of a business—with its employees—and the reason companies need to reflect on whether they utilize humanizing processes is to keep up with the times and not fall behind.
We are in the midst of the next great evolutionary leap in business, from process-centric to human-centric, and HPC’s primary goal is to prioritize humans at the center of business processes. Companies can use HPC tools to find which parts of their businesses aren’t as “human” as they should be and develop a solution that is suitable for them rather than seeking out the next silver bullet. As HPC stimulates humanizing business, each company will develop its own unique approach to identifying and finding solutions for its own set of problems.
3. Slow down and be intentional with your business choices
All process improvement initiatives require leaders to identify three components: the problem, timing, and person/people. However, simply identifying these items does not matter unless they are the right problem, the right timing, and the right person/people. This aspect of decision-making that HPC emphasizes is the sequence of priority. Its effectiveness embodies intentionality by taking the time to properly identify, analyze, and discuss the steps each company will take to solve the problem right the first time.
Additionally, another aspect of intentionality is found in equity. In the HPC model, equity refers to both tangible and intangible qualities such as care, flexibility, goodwill, forgiveness, and others that build vested interest for employees. Communicating traits people want generates a deep sense of fidelity that retains employees and reveals a positive internal and, therefore, external image of the company. Furthermore, by prioritizing equity, HPC demonstrates that businesses should not just give employees an extra perk as a “value” system; rather, they should slow down, take note of what their employees need, and acknowledge those needs first to create a company that people love.
4. Adopt a perspective of evolving rather than transformation or growth (becoming more of the company they are meant to be)
In tandem with the foundation that solutions are found within what companies already have, evolution is where business leaders should focus their attention. Transformation implies the need for businesses to change, while evolution is gradual, intentional, and developmental from simple to complex. Evolution tends to bring about much more ease in work environments.
Just as each human is unique, each business is unique as well. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for businesses, and humanizing practices support that idea. HPC assists leaders by guiding them through a four-step process of Humanization with the support of a set of simple and pragmatic tools. This approach evolves companies more specific to their needs based on where that company is in the transition process.
As employees, customers and society evolve—and they are, at the fastest rate ever—the company must evolve their processes iteratively to create better experiences for the humans going through their operation. Stop evolving and these companies will see their attrition and thus costs, skyrocket. For instance, a solution to a process might look like adding human tone to sales emails or making a call center with a real person 24/7. Solutions come in many forms, just like companies do, and evolution will result in those companies becoming more of what it is meant to be; more of a human-centric brand.
The concept of companies putting their people first is not new; however, a process to achieve a people-first culture has never been standardized—until now. Differentiating itself from other business models, HPC provides leaders with a way to discover their own solutions, guiding them to make these decisions rather than asserting an unjustified view of what is right for them.
The real question is, do these heartfelt and idyllic concepts bear positive results? And the answer is yes. Keep an eye out for our next piece showing the financial benefits of being human in business that will be released next week.
Feedback is very important to me, and I’d appreciate hearing your thoughts and insight. Do you see any aspects of this implemented in your workplace? Are there other concepts you identify that aren’t discussed here?
Please connect with me on my social accounts @HilaryCorna, contact me on my website, and follow me on LinkedIn (even if we’re already connected). Thank you!
In love and respect,