(Yes, even and especially without a big following, team or time.)
I help women in 9-5 jobs establish themselves as thought leaders, with their existing expertise, in their own unique voice in 6-weeks…without quitting their day job.
“How are all these people getting their ideas out there but they are terrible?”
lol let’s just be honest…
The only difference between you and them is that they had the kahunas to share it (even if it sucks!)
Meanwhile, there’s a HUGE gap in the market.
Thought leaders preaching antiquated, archaic and outdated ideas that no longer serve us.
The market is full of clutter, noise and might I say, douchiness.
Business has been predominantly male.
That’s changing and thought leadership needs to catch up!
I’m on a mission to create a path for more women to become thought leaders in business.
I don’t want to replace those that came before me, I want to create more women in thought leadership so that women are no longer tokenized. So that people see themselves in others and believe that being a thought leader in business is possible.
You have it inside you! There is nothing MORE you need to do!
We’re going to help you identify, bring your voice out, and have the confidence and tools to carry it forward into a thought leadership brand!
The world needs more thought leaders that are FRESH, RELEVANT, and FEMALE!
But no one’s coming to do it for you.
YOU must believe your wisdom, expertise, and experience is NEEDED!
The goal of this accelerator is to pull you out from behind the curtain and get your name out there.
By the end of this accelerator, you can officially say with confidence, “I AM A THOUGHT LEADER IN BUSINESS”. That is the goal!
No more talking about it, we’re gonna do it, girl! I got you!
You don’t have to quit your job, you don’t need to become an entrepreneur, and you don’t even need to make money (but you can if you want ;)).
If you checked 50% of these, this course is for you!
It’s safe to need support like this! I’ve been doing this for 11 years, on my own, no role model, coach or guide. I’ve been published, spoken in 4 continents, 42 states, have a speaking agency, spoken to crowds of 3,000+, been sponsored by a Fortune 500 company, been on all the Medias, and more.
BUT I’ve made all the mistakes that you shouldn’t have to…I literally almost ran out of gas once on the way home from a speaking engagement….Wasting money on contractors, spending time on projects that weren’t aligned, being on social too much…you don’t want to waster your time and focus like I did.
There’s so much clutter out there. I’m going to show you exactly WHAT to focus on so it doesn’t take you 11 years.
Regular Price: $10,000
Join the program today for:
$5,997 (save $4,000)