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How to Create a Caring Culture

The culture of caring is a happy practice that makes and retains happy employees and customers. [Know that how you treat your people and why

Cultivating Empathy in the Workplace

Empathy makes a productive workplace where employees are honest, transparent and human. Empathy is critical personally and professionally because it allows us to connect, be

Why I Don’t Use NPS

A single number doesn’t translate to success nor can be used to indicate customer loyalty and experience. It’s exactly why I don’t use (and trust)

How to Be Human in a Remote #WFH World

Now, engaging your customers is even more challenging than it was before COVID-19. People are quarantined, forced to work home and avoid gatherings and crowds.

9 Tips to Humanize Your Brand

Brands portraying and showing a flat, cold, and passion-less personality fail marketing because people cannot simply connect with or relate to them. They appear unapproachable.