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Introducing The UNprofessional Podcast

Hi friend,   I’m reaching out today to share with you that I have officially launched my podcast, UNprofessional, where I, together with other fellow

How To Humanize A Survey

No one enjoys filling out a survey.    People don’t see what’s in it for them.   Many lose interest halfway through and leave, thinking

How to Get Over Rejection at Work

Your job application was rejected. You didn’t get a raise. Someone else got the promotion you wanted. A team member never speaks to you. It

Are You A Workaholic?

Workaholism is much more common than we think because we’re trained to reward hard work, be efficient and get as much done as possible. However,

10 Ways to Help Texas Right Now

Note: Please excuse any typing errors – we’re trying to move fast. Right now, Austin is experiencing something no one ever thought was possible, literally,

4 Ways Consumer Shopping Is Changing

The pandemic has reshaped the way we shop, both online and in-stores. It became a catalyst to the dramatic shift from traditional in-person shopping to